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Dołączył(a): 2020-01-17
Najlepsze filmy
Najczęściej oglądane filmy na kanale DAGADANA
Lyrics: Janusz Różewicz
Written, Directed by: Maciej Szupica, Krzysztof Kiziak
DOP: Dominik Danilczyk, Kuba Dąbrowski
Production: FILM FICTION (www.film-fiction.com)
Producer: Adrian Pawłowski
Production assistant: Zuzanna Romuk-Wodoracka
Cast: Leon Dziemaszkiewicz, Natalia Wątroba, Pamela Koleśnik, Magdalena Swat , Karolina Wodoracka, Szczepan Wasiak
and Band DAGADANA : Daga Gregorowicz, Dana Vynnytska, Mikołaj Pospieszalski, Frank Parker
Edit: Maciej Szupica, Krzysztof Kiziak
Postproduction: Krzysztof Kiziak, Tomek Kluczyk
Colour correction: Sylwester Łukaszuk
Stylist: Elwira Rutkowska
Stylist Assist: Ewa Leśniewski
Makeup Artist: Agnieszka Hodowana, Aleksandra Foka Przyłuska
Camera Assist: Tomek Kluczyk
Gaffer: Jacek Tomborek 
Spark: Grzesiek Bartoszek 
Light: Heliograf
Stagehand: Mayday
Studio: Las Studio

Subscribe to DAGADANAs channel to be the first to hear about new videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/dagadana

Follow DAGADANA online:

http://www.dagadana.pl00:221080p 251 00:22DAGADANA - Kartka Dla Nieznajomej [trailer] 1080p


Prezentujemy making of teledysku do utworu Czasem, który został zrealizowany na Ukrainie we wsi Waręż. Zespół i ekipa filmowa podjęli w nim próbę zdefiniowania upływu czasu, ważnych w życiu momentów i osobistych wspomnień. W teledysku pojawili się mieszkańcy miejscowości, a za scenerię służą m.in. ruiny zabytkowego kościoła św. Marka, lokalna szkoła, przedszkole i podwórka.

Link do utworu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?vYiRfbn5V4Uc 
Daga Gregorowicz, Dana Vynnytska oraz Mikołaj Pospieszalski po ponad roku od wydania swojej debiutanckiej płyty, za którą zdobyli statuetkę Fryderyka 2011 za Album Roku w kategorii Folk / Muzyka Świata, powracają z nowym materiałem.
Muzyka na drugiej płycie to utwory z tak szerokiego zakresu gatunków jak folk, muzyka świata, jazz, poezja śpiewana, a nawet muzyka klasyczna. Album Dlaczego nie to również bardzo duże przedsięwzięcie organizacyjne. W nagraniach uczestniczyli liczni goście z Polski m.in. Mirosław Baka, Mateusz Pospieszalski, Mateusz Smoczyński, Kapela ze Wsi Warszawa, a także z pustynnej części Maroka - Hmad ait Ibrahim. Tak dopracowanej brzmieniowo i koncepcyjnie płyty dawno nie było na polskim rynku. Wydawcą jest AGORA SA.

Skład zespołu:

Daga Gregorowicz- wokal, elektronika
Dana Vynnytska- wokal, instrumenty klawiszowe
Miko Pospieszalski- kontrabas, gitara basowa

Udział w nagraniu wzięli również:

Remek Zawadzki- instrumenty perkusyjne, programowanie 
Mateusz Smoczyński - skrzypce
muzyka: DAGADANA

zdjęcia, reżyseria, montaż: VISUAL HEADS http://www.visualheads.pl

Subscribe to DAGADANAs channel to be the first to hear about new videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/dagadana

Follow DAGADANA online:

http://www.dagadana.pl04:25720p 220 04:25DAGADANA - Czasem MAKING OF 720p


List do Ciebie (A Letter to You) is the latest studio recording release by a Polish-Ukrainian music group DagaDana. (scroll for details)

Subscribe to DAGADANAs channel to be the first to hear about new videos: 

Follow DAGADANA online:

Official website: http://www.dagadana.pl
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7JVB1NU2XgRA0lViT3HPrt
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dagadana
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dagadana
Instagram: http://instagram.com/dagadana_

Buy CD: http://wsm.serpent.pl/sklep/wyniki.php?typ2&wyk_id7664
Buy the album on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/list-do-ciebie/id814422794

DagaDana, known for their non-standard blends of folk and electronic music, decided to take their inspiration from the works of Janusz Różewicz, a Polish poet who has been unfairly forgotten. Janusz Różewicz, born in Osjaków, Poland in 1918, is the brother of Tadeusz Różewicz, who is considered to be the one of the most famous poets from Poland and Stanisław Różewicz, a highly repsected poet as well. Janusz Różewiczwas was executed in 1944. We have to tell the story of this amazing, talented person says the musicians from Dagadana.
The new album includes eleven songs of music and carefully chosen texts written by Janusz Różewicz. Dagadana chose to underline the beauty of the young poets works which never had an opportunity to be discovered and appreciated by a broad audience. The musicians hope that this unique blend will help many people become familiar with Różewiczs poems. The band has received great support from the Różewicz family.
The members of DagaDana are Daga Gregorowicz, Dana Vynnytska, and Mikolai Pospieszalski.  Participating in the project as well as becoming a new addition to the band is drummer/percussionist Frank Parker (Chicago, USA). He has performed with notable artists which include Kurt Elling, Chicago Jazz Ensemble, Patricia Barber, Benny Carter, Randy Brecker, and Dee Alexander. Marcin Pospieszalski served as the musical producer who has cooperated with such performers as Armia, Raz Dwa Trzy, Martyna Jakubowicz, Zakopower, Tie Break, Young Power, Soyka Yanina & Kompania, Wendy Waldman, Michal Urbaniak, and Anna Maria Jopek).
DagaDana chose an interesting way to issue the album to the public. Each cd includes selections of Różewiczs poems written in Polish, Ukrainian, and English languages and music compositions written and recorded by DagaDana. Also included are comments from prominent musicians, journalists and people from the world of culture, as well as a written letter from Dagadana. The works are illustrated by specially prepared collages, family archives, and photos.
List do Ciebie was released by Dagadana, The National Centre of Culture, and Etnoteka.pl. The partners of the DagaDanas tours are the National Audiovisual Institute (NInA), the Polish Post, and the Association of Artists and Performers STOART. The album was created within the National Program for Promotion of Reading 2014-2020 and is supported, distributed, and promoted by Karrot Komando Concert and Publishing Agency.

Lyrics: Janusz Różewicz02:16720p 153 02:16DAGADANA - Kino (Outro) 720p


Siałem proso na zagonie (Ive sowed a millet patch) is a popular lyrical wedding song from the Wielkopolska Region, performed on the way from home to church (a so-called transit song).
In the olden days love and marriage rarely went together. And although young people fell in love with each other, exactly as they do now, a formalised union was mainly a matter of economics. The choice of a bachelors wife was up to the parents, and the community watched very closely to make sure there was no misalliance. As a result, for all the throes of love, lovers most often tied the knot with someone who wasnt close to their heart.
This piece combines two songs with a similar theme, Polish and Ukrainian (  ). Its no accident that the latter has found its place on this record  its a song Dana learnt from her grandfather Ivas Dyakun.06:00720p 112 06:00DAGADANA - Siałem proso na zagonie 720p


The song titled Czasem (Sometimes) is the second single from the album, Dlaczego nie (Why not) which has been released on 10/14/2011 by AGORA SA.

The video for the song Czasem was shot by Visual Heads in Ukraine in the village of Waręż. Pictures shows the local people and the st. Marcus church of the seventeenth century. The roof of the church collapsed and the garden grew up in the middle of it.

Buy CD: http://wsm.serpent.pl/sklep/wyniki.php?typ2&wyk_id7664
Buy the album on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/list-do-ciebie/id814422794
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?vYiRfbn5V4Uc 

guest: Mateusz Smoczyński - violin

video: VISUAL HEADS http://www.visualheads.pl

Subscribe to DAGADANAs channel to be the first to hear about new videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/dagadana

Follow DAGADANA online:

http://www.dagadana.pl04:061080p 110 04:06DAGADANA - Czasem (official video) 1080p


KIRIBATI -DAGADANA to trzeci teledysk promujący album Dlaczego nie.
Tekst do tego utworu powstawał podczas trasy koncertowej DAGADANA na Ukrainie i jest zbiorem refleksji na temat poznawania świata w trakcie podróży. Inspiracją do napisania tekstu, było przypadkowe wskazanie miejsca na globusie. Kiedy okazało się, że wybrane zostało Kiribati, ciekawość doprowadziła do odnalezienia na jednej z wysp Kiritimati wsi Poland. 

Wioska nazwana została Poland dla uczczenia Polaka o nazwisku Stanisław Pełczyński z amerykańskiego statku przewożącego koprę, który trafił na wyspę gdy jej mieszkańcy mieli problemy z nawadnianiem plantacji palmowych. Stanisław Pełczyński pomógł im rozwiązać problem i na jego cześć osadę nazwano obecnym mianem, zbudowano w niej kościół pod wezwaniem św. Stanisława, a zatokę w lagunie nazwano Zatoką Świętego Stanisława. (Wikipedia)

Kiribati, jako pierwszy kraj na świecie świętuje Nowy Rok. W Polsce jest wtedy 11.00
Państwo składające się z 33 wysp koralowych na Oceanie Spokojnym
Wyspom zagrażają wody mórz w związku z podnoszeniem się poziomu wód spowodowanym globalnym ocieplaniem klimatu. Wieś Poland niedługo może przestać istnieć!

Teledysk powstał w Poznaniu dzięki wsparciu Narodowego Centrum Kultury w ramach projektu Europejski Stadion Kultury.
Partnerami Wydawnictwa i trasy koncertowej Dlaczego nie są Samorząd Województwa Wielkopolskiego, Europejski Stadion Kultury, Narodowe Centrum Kultury. Patronat medialny objęło Culture.pl i Gazeta Co Jest Grane.

Zdjęcia: www.visualheads.pl 

Subscribe to DAGADANAs channel to be the first to hear about new videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/dagadana

Follow DAGADANA online:


Buy CD: http://wsm.serpent.pl/sklep/wyniki.php?typ2&wyk_id7664

Buy the album on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/list-do-ciebie/id81442279403:151080p 93 03:15DAGADANA - Kiribati (official video) 1080p


Nowo dodane filmy
muzyka: DAGADANA
słowa: Jan Szutkowski, DAGADANA

Buy on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/dlaczego-nie/id645484213

Sargofaj że rene kon ma twe jo
Manasej rądelke tu samijo
Sargofaj że rene kon ma twe jo
Manasej rądelke tu safaj

Różane mi 
tej wiosny

na brzegu filiżanki został ślad pocałunku idę za nim
w nieznanym kierunku i zatapiam się
w twojej lekkiej jak latte sukience prawie latem
gdy wszystko wystarczy trącić by brzmiało

tej wiosny 

wybiegłaś wprost pode mnie i miękko rozlały się smaki 
na wszystkich ścieżkach ode mnie do ciebie i od ciebie do mnie 
na drobnych pęknięciach naszych ust tam jeszcze 
nie gonił nas deszcz nie gonił nas deszcz który zmyje wszystko i wonnie

tej wiosny

zakwitły pierwsze przyjemności w kawiarniach i na białych ławkach
na palcach  i w czule posyłanych głoskach
w ramionach kamienic gdzie zasypiały zmęczone popołudnia 
i w unoszonych do ust filiżankach

wtedy jeszcze 

nie gonił nas deszcz  nie gonił nas deszcz który zmyje nas ze stolików 
który porwie nasze kroki z bruków i raz na zawsze zatopi 
tej wiosny nie gonił nas deszcz był daleko poza widokiem 
nie było go widać nie było widać deszczu z naszych dużych i czujnych okien

Buy CD: http://wsm.serpent.pl/sklep/wyniki.php?typ2&wyk_id7664
Buy the album on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/list-do-ciebie/id814422794

Subscribe to DAGADANAs channel to be the first to hear about new videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/dagadana

Follow DAGADANA online:

http://www.dagadana.pl04:34720p 17 04:34DAGADANA - Sargofaj [feat. Mirosław Baka] 720p


List do Ciebie (A Letter to You) is the latest studio recording release by a Polish-Ukrainian music group DagaDana. (scroll for details)

Subscribe to DAGADANAs channel to be the first to hear about new videos: 

Follow DAGADANA online:

Official website: http://www.dagadana.pl
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7JVB1NU2XgRA0lViT3HPrt
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dagadana
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dagadana
Instagram: http://instagram.com/dagadana_

Buy CD: http://wsm.serpent.pl/sklep/wyniki.php?typ2&wyk_id7664
Buy the album on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/list-do-ciebie/id814422794

DagaDana, known for their non-standard blends of folk and electronic music, decided to take their inspiration from the works of Janusz Różewicz, a Polish poet who has been unfairly forgotten. Janusz Różewicz, born in Osjaków, Poland in 1918, is the brother of Tadeusz Różewicz, who is considered to be the one of the most famous poets from Poland and Stanisław Różewicz, a highly repsected poet as well. Janusz Różewiczwas was executed in 1944. We have to tell the story of this amazing, talented person says the musicians from Dagadana.
The new album includes eleven songs of music and carefully chosen texts written by Janusz Różewicz. Dagadana chose to underline the beauty of the young poets works which never had an opportunity to be discovered and appreciated by a broad audience. The musicians hope that this unique blend will help many people become familiar with Różewiczs poems. The band has received great support from the Różewicz family.
The members of DagaDana are Daga Gregorowicz, Dana Vynnytska, and Mikolai Pospieszalski.  Participating in the project as well as becoming a new addition to the band is drummer/percussionist Frank Parker (Chicago, USA). He has performed with notable artists which include Kurt Elling, Chicago Jazz Ensemble, Patricia Barber, Benny Carter, Randy Brecker, and Dee Alexander. Marcin Pospieszalski served as the musical producer who has cooperated with such performers as Armia, Raz Dwa Trzy, Martyna Jakubowicz, Zakopower, Tie Break, Young Power, Soyka Yanina & Kompania, Wendy Waldman, Michal Urbaniak, and Anna Maria Jopek).
DagaDana chose an interesting way to issue the album to the public. Each cd includes selections of Różewiczs poems written in Polish, Ukrainian, and English languages and music compositions written and recorded by DagaDana. Also included are comments from prominent musicians, journalists and people from the world of culture, as well as a written letter from Dagadana. The works are illustrated by specially prepared collages, family archives, and photos.
List do Ciebie was released by Dagadana, The National Centre of Culture, and Etnoteka.pl. The partners of the DagaDanas tours are the National Audiovisual Institute (NInA), the Polish Post, and the Association of Artists and Performers STOART. The album was created within the National Program for Promotion of Reading 2014-2020 and is supported, distributed, and promoted by Karrot Komando Concert and Publishing Agency.

Lyrics: Janusz Różewicz02:16720p 153 02:16DAGADANA - Kino (Outro) 720p


01:28720p 7 01:28DAGADANA - Preludium Kolir Szczastia 720p


List do Ciebie (A Letter to You) is the latest studio recording release by a Polish-Ukrainian music group DagaDana. (scroll for details)

Subscribe to DAGADANAs channel to be the first to hear about new videos: 

Follow DAGADANA online:

Official website: http://www.dagadana.pl
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7JVB1NU2XgRA0lViT3HPrt
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dagadana
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dagadana
Instagram: http://instagram.com/dagadana_

Buy CD: http://wsm.serpent.pl/sklep/wyniki.php?typ2&wyk_id7664
Buy the album on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/list-do-ciebie/id814422794

DagaDana, known for their non-standard blends of folk and electronic music, decided to take their inspiration from the works of Janusz Różewicz, a Polish poet who has been unfairly forgotten. Janusz Różewicz, born in Osjaków, Poland in 1918, is the brother of Tadeusz Różewicz, who is considered to be the one of the most famous poets from Poland and Stanisław Różewicz, a highly repsected poet as well. Janusz Różewiczwas was executed in 1944. We have to tell the story of this amazing, talented person says the musicians from Dagadana.
The new album includes eleven songs of music and carefully chosen texts written by Janusz Różewicz. Dagadana chose to underline the beauty of the young poets works which never had an opportunity to be discovered and appreciated by a broad audience. The musicians hope that this unique blend will help many people become familiar with Różewiczs poems. The band has received great support from the Różewicz family.
The members of DagaDana are Daga Gregorowicz, Dana Vynnytska, and Mikolai Pospieszalski.  Participating in the project as well as becoming a new addition to the band is drummer/percussionist Frank Parker (Chicago, USA). He has performed with notable artists which include Kurt Elling, Chicago Jazz Ensemble, Patricia Barber, Benny Carter, Randy Brecker, and Dee Alexander. Marcin Pospieszalski served as the musical producer who has cooperated with such performers as Armia, Raz Dwa Trzy, Martyna Jakubowicz, Zakopower, Tie Break, Young Power, Soyka Yanina & Kompania, Wendy Waldman, Michal Urbaniak, and Anna Maria Jopek).
DagaDana chose an interesting way to issue the album to the public. Each cd includes selections of Różewiczs poems written in Polish, Ukrainian, and English languages and music compositions written and recorded by DagaDana. Also included are comments from prominent musicians, journalists and people from the world of culture, as well as a written letter from Dagadana. The works are illustrated by specially prepared collages, family archives, and photos.
List do Ciebie was released by Dagadana, The National Centre of Culture, and Etnoteka.pl. The partners of the DagaDanas tours are the National Audiovisual Institute (NInA), the Polish Post, and the Association of Artists and Performers STOART. The album was created within the National Program for Promotion of Reading 2014-2020 and is supported, distributed, and promoted by Karrot Komando Concert and Publishing Agency.

Lyrics: Janusz Różewicz03:17720p 32 03:17DAGADANA - Konstantynopol 720p


List do Ciebie (A Letter to You) is the latest studio recording release by a Polish-Ukrainian music group DagaDana. (scroll for details)

Subscribe to DAGADANAs channel to be the first to hear about new videos: 

Follow DAGADANA online:

Official website: http://www.dagadana.pl
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7JVB1NU2XgRA0lViT3HPrt
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dagadana
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dagadana
Instagram: http://instagram.com/dagadana_

Buy CD: http://wsm.serpent.pl/sklep/wyniki.php?typ2&wyk_id7664
Buy the album on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/list-do-ciebie/id814422794

DagaDana, known for their non-standard blends of folk and electronic music, decided to take their inspiration from the works of Janusz Różewicz, a Polish poet who has been unfairly forgotten. Janusz Różewicz, born in Osjaków, Poland in 1918, is the brother of Tadeusz Różewicz, who is considered to be the one of the most famous poets from Poland and Stanisław Różewicz, a highly repsected poet as well. Janusz Różewiczwas was executed in 1944. We have to tell the story of this amazing, talented person says the musicians from Dagadana.
The new album includes eleven songs of music and carefully chosen texts written by Janusz Różewicz. Dagadana chose to underline the beauty of the young poets works which never had an opportunity to be discovered and appreciated by a broad audience. The musicians hope that this unique blend will help many people become familiar with Różewiczs poems. The band has received great support from the Różewicz family.
The members of DagaDana are Daga Gregorowicz, Dana Vynnytska, and Mikolai Pospieszalski.  Participating in the project as well as becoming a new addition to the band is drummer/percussionist Frank Parker (Chicago, USA). He has performed with notable artists which include Kurt Elling, Chicago Jazz Ensemble, Patricia Barber, Benny Carter, Randy Brecker, and Dee Alexander. Marcin Pospieszalski served as the musical producer who has cooperated with such performers as Armia, Raz Dwa Trzy, Martyna Jakubowicz, Zakopower, Tie Break, Young Power, Soyka Yanina & Kompania, Wendy Waldman, Michal Urbaniak, and Anna Maria Jopek).
DagaDana chose an interesting way to issue the album to the public. Each cd includes selections of Różewiczs poems written in Polish, Ukrainian, and English languages and music compositions written and recorded by DagaDana. Also included are comments from prominent musicians, journalists and people from the world of culture, as well as a written letter from Dagadana. The works are illustrated by specially prepared collages, family archives, and photos.
List do Ciebie was released by Dagadana, The National Centre of Culture, and Etnoteka.pl. The partners of the DagaDanas tours are the National Audiovisual Institute (NInA), the Polish Post, and the Association of Artists and Performers STOART. The album was created within the National Program for Promotion of Reading 2014-2020 and is supported, distributed, and promoted by Karrot Komando Concert and Publishing Agency.

Lyrics: Janusz Różewicz03:17720p 13 03:17DAGADANA - Kino 720p


List do Ciebie (A Letter to You) is the latest studio recording release by a Polish-Ukrainian music group DagaDana. (scroll for details)

Subscribe to DAGADANAs channel to be the first to hear about new videos: 

Follow DAGADANA online:

Official website: http://www.dagadana.pl
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7JVB1NU2XgRA0lViT3HPrt
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dagadana
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dagadana
Instagram: http://instagram.com/dagadana_

Buy CD: http://wsm.serpent.pl/sklep/wyniki.php?typ2&wyk_id7664
Buy the album on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/list-do-ciebie/id814422794

DagaDana, known for their non-standard blends of folk and electronic music, decided to take their inspiration from the works of Janusz Różewicz, a Polish poet who has been unfairly forgotten. Janusz Różewicz, born in Osjaków, Poland in 1918, is the brother of Tadeusz Różewicz, who is considered to be the one of the most famous poets from Poland and Stanisław Różewicz, a highly repsected poet as well. Janusz Różewiczwas was executed in 1944. We have to tell the story of this amazing, talented person says the musicians from Dagadana.
The new album includes eleven songs of music and carefully chosen texts written by Janusz Różewicz. Dagadana chose to underline the beauty of the young poets works which never had an opportunity to be discovered and appreciated by a broad audience. The musicians hope that this unique blend will help many people become familiar with Różewiczs poems. The band has received great support from the Różewicz family.
The members of DagaDana are Daga Gregorowicz, Dana Vynnytska, and Mikolai Pospieszalski.  Participating in the project as well as becoming a new addition to the band is drummer/percussionist Frank Parker (Chicago, USA). He has performed with notable artists which include Kurt Elling, Chicago Jazz Ensemble, Patricia Barber, Benny Carter, Randy Brecker, and Dee Alexander. Marcin Pospieszalski served as the musical producer who has cooperated with such performers as Armia, Raz Dwa Trzy, Martyna Jakubowicz, Zakopower, Tie Break, Young Power, Soyka Yanina & Kompania, Wendy Waldman, Michal Urbaniak, and Anna Maria Jopek).
DagaDana chose an interesting way to issue the album to the public. Each cd includes selections of Różewiczs poems written in Polish, Ukrainian, and English languages and music compositions written and recorded by DagaDana. Also included are comments from prominent musicians, journalists and people from the world of culture, as well as a written letter from Dagadana. The works are illustrated by specially prepared collages, family archives, and photos.
List do Ciebie was released by Dagadana, The National Centre of Culture, and Etnoteka.pl. The partners of the DagaDanas tours are the National Audiovisual Institute (NInA), the Polish Post, and the Association of Artists and Performers STOART. The album was created within the National Program for Promotion of Reading 2014-2020 and is supported, distributed, and promoted by Karrot Komando Concert and Publishing Agency.

Lyrics: Janusz Różewicz03:18720p 22 03:18DAGADANA - Dzien taki szary 720p


01:51720p 11 01:51DAGADANA - Interludium Szumila Liszczyna 720p


Drugi krążek Dlaczego nie (14.11.2011, Agora S.A.) , który doczekał się nominacji do nagrody Fryderyk 2012 w kategorii Album Roku Folk/ Muzyka oraz został doceniony w Wielkiej Brytanii, gdzie uplasował się na ósmym miejscu w rankingu TOP 20 Best World Music Albums of 2011 prestiżowego portalu www.WorldMusic.co.uk.

Dlaczego nie (Why not)(14.11.2011, Agora S.A.) album was nominated for the Fryderyk prize in 2011. The album reached #8 on The Best World Music Albums of the World list in England (www.WorldMusic.co.uk).

Buy CD: http://wsm.serpent.pl/sklep/wyniki.php?typ2&wyk_id7664
Buy the album on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/list-do-ciebie/id814422794

Subscribe to DAGADANAs channel to be the first to hear about new videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/dagadana

Follow DAGADANA online:

http://www.dagadana.pl03:43720p 22 03:43DAGADANA - A Na Ostatek 720p


Nowo dodane filmy i seriale CDA Premium