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Dodał: meta7

Anime: Zero no Tsukaima: Princesses no Rondo ~ Yuuwaku no Sunahama OVA
Year: 2008
Status: Complete
How many episodes: 1
Genre: Comedy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Ikkesaki, Ecchi, Romance, Harem
Age restrictions: 13+

In peaceful times its good to go to the beach, especially during summer hollidays. Guys have problem though: girls have suit covering literally everything! Here is where headmaster comes to help, he officially forbids such swimsuits. You can only imagine how girls are unhappy, especially when buys try to dress them in bikinis all.the.time :D

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W katalogu: Zero no Tsukaima Princesses no Rondo - Yuuwaku no Sunahama OVA (eng. subs.)
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