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Dodał: That's My Story
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Opublikowano: 2020-06-26

What Im about to tell you took place in New York. Once youve heard the whole story, Im sure you will want to share it with someone, because its interesting in so many ways. You will definitely be blown away by the ending, too.

Our story begins when 19-year old Bobby arrives at the college where he is going to study. It was his first day at the school. Naturally, he didnt know anyone. It was his first time away from his family. He was excited and a little nervous. He was going to stay at a dorm on campus. He wanted to go and settle into his room right away.

As he was walking towards the dormitory, carrying his suitcase, Strange things started happening. Other students were greeting him, saying Hi!, Whats up? How was your summer?, Nice to see you again They all seemed to know him. Even though people were acting like his friends, it was Bobbys first time seeing them. It felt almost like a hidden camera prank.

Finally, he arrived at his dorm building. When he walked in, someone shouted, Welcome back, Eddy! Eddy? Who is that? When someone else said Hi Eddy! he couldnt take it anymore. My name is not Eddy, he snapped. The person smiled back saying, Youre so funny, Eddy.

Bobby found his room. He began unpacking his suitcase. There was a knock on the door. When he opened it, there was a guy around his age. While Bobby was waiting for him to say something, the guys eyes widened. He was speechless for a while. Then he asked, Were you born on July 12? When Bobby said Yes, the guy said, Are you adopted? Bobby said Yes again, and the student said, You wont believe this but you have a twin. His name is Eddy. Im Eddys best friend. You look a lot like him. But I knew you were not Eddy, he said. This is how Bobby found out that he had a twin named Eddy, whom he knew nothing about until then.

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