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Dodał: That's My Story
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Opublikowano: 2020-05-28

I know all kids love their mothers but I realy loved mine. She deserved all the love in the world and more. It was bewildering how kind she was. I believe she was sent to this world to show others how to be a good person. When she completed her mission, God called her back. She had cancer, but I didnt know it for a long time. My parents hid it from me. I thought she had been visiting my grandmother for a while. But she was in the hospital. ne day, my dad picked me up from school and took me there. I was shocked to see my mom in bed. She looked so sick, and yet she was still smiling. But she had a hard time speaking. I had to lean in very close to hear her. Naomi, my sweet girl. Unfortunately, I wont be around much longer. But Ill keep loving you, always remember that. I asked your dad to find someone else to marry because youre still so young. You need a loving family to grow up in. Please love your new mother. Be a happy family. Thats how Ill be at peace. Its all Im asking of you. This is how my mom said goodbye to me.

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