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Dodał: AdamTV
Konto zweryfikowane
Opublikowano: 2017-12-21

Cześć! W dzisiejszym odcinku pokażemy Wam przeogromny zestaw o nazwie Super Stacja z serii Tomek i Przyjaciele.

Tutaj możecie porównać ceny i kupić podobne zabawki z serii Tomek i Przyjaciele (Super Stacja niestety nie jest dostępna w Polsce) (link afiliacyjny)

Zdaje się że stacja nie jest dostępna w Polsce, więc pozwolę sobie wrzucić tutaj opis w języku angielskim (

Now kids can imagine and play out adventures with Thomas & Friends using all their engines! This multi-system track set with 3 levels of play lets children play with engines from Thomas & Friends Adventures, TrackMaster, MINIS and Wooden Railway, including Thomas, Percy, James and Harold. In addition to being able to use any Thomas engine, multiple configurations allow for layouts that can fit any space in the home. The legs can even be removed to create a micro-layout for smaller spaces! Features storage for 100+ engines, over 35 feet / 10 meters of track, and iconic locations including Tidmouth Sheds, Brendam Docks, Knapford Station, the Sodor Steamworks, the Dieselworks, Blue Mountain Quarry and the SSRC with Harolds helipad. There are also cargo pieces, adapter pieces to connect to other playsets, two racetracks, floor play and more! Fun features include Cranky with a crane that can be raised, lowered, and attached to a cargo lift that can be used to raise cargo and engines; and a turntable complete with a stop-track lever to halt TrackMaster engines while your little engineer changes direction. The legs and locations feature tunnels, and there are areas for cargo storage, too. Additional engines and playsets sold separately and subject to availability. Its the ultimate Thomas & Friends playset!

- Works with Thomas & Friends Adventures, TrackMaster, MINIS and Wooden Railway engines (additional engines sold separately)

- Comes with Thomas & Friends TrackMaster Thomas, and his friends Thomas & Friends Adventures Percy, Thomas & Friends MINIS James, plastic Harold

- Multiple configurations of layouts to fit into any space

- Remove legs for micro layouts to fit small spaces

- Features storage for 100+ engines (sold separately and subject to availability)

-Over 35 feet (10 meters) of track

- Features iconic Sodor locations such as Tidmouth Sheds, Knapford Station, Brendam Docks and more

- Includes track adapters to connect to other Thomas & Friends playsets

- Two racetracks plus floor play

Opisywany zestaw otrzymaliśmy w świątecznym prezencie od marki Tomek i Przyjaciele. Serdecznie dziękujemy!

Music by Epidemic Sound (


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1059 godzin bajek dla dzieci.
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Nowe, wygodne metody aktywacji.
Komentarze do: Tomek i Przyjaciele - Super Stacja!
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