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Dodał: Blockchain Central
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Opublikowano: 2018-08-07

This week on #BlockchainCentral: well take a closer look at #EthereumClassic (#ETC), the Ethereum hard fork that was initiated after the infamous DAO hack that led to the loss of ~3.6 million ETH (approx. $70m at the time) and the creation of the still thriving Ethereum Classic network.

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Blockchain Central is your #1 trusted source for everything crypto. Our host Blu will guide you through weekly news about the political, legal and financial sides of crypto currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum as well as recent developments in Blockchain technology, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs), Security Token Offerings (STOs) and new coins/tokens.

This content does neither represent financial, legal or tax advice, nor is it supposed to be understood or interpreted as solicitation to buy or sell any securities, coins or tokens!

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Komentarze do: Ethereum Classic Was Created by Crypto-Idealists | Blockchain Central
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