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Dodał: Hagbard

Clancy visits Earth 4-169, which happens to be in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. Clancy, in the form of a beach bod, decides to interview the sim Glasses Man, who he discovers is, in fact, the President in this universe. In front of the White House, a group of anti-marijuana protesters are gathered, seemingly unbothered by the zombies around them. This sparks debate between Clancy and Glasses Man as to whether there is such a thing as a good drug or a bad drug. Over the course of the episode, the two discuss the pros and cons of psychedelics, the dangers of drug usage if not well educated, and whether or not drugs can be beneficial for an individuals personal spiritual growth. They end up helping a pregnant woman give birth before they are all turned into zombies. However, they find this new situation a relief. This does not last long as they are hit with a cure bringing them back to life that, ironically, means the zombies can kill them again. Clancy returns to his dimension, along with a local dog named Charlotte, as the Earth explodes.

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W katalogu: The Midnight Gospel
3.0 / 5 Oceny: 2
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Komentarze do: The Midnight Gospel 01. Taste of the King
Najlepsze komentarze
anonim141 (*.*.247.141) 2022-06-19 09:51:36 +6
Kiepska jakość, nie idzie oglądać Odpowiedz
anonim25 (*.*.33.25) wysłano z 2022-03-09 20:47:05 +5
Z roku na rok animacje dotykają coraz głębszych tematów, które od pewnego czasu i we mnie zapoczątkowały interesujący proces samoaktuwlizacji :3
książka E. Tolle dokładnie opisuje to co właśnie się dzieje.. Odpowiedz
KRS108 2023-08-13 16:26:18 +1
5 klatek na sekundę z rejestratora ekranu :( Odpowiedz
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