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Dodał: Hagbard

Clancys computer suggests that he heads to Mercuritaville for partying. As Clancy is fired upon the planet, the ship full of cats from the previous episode, knock him off course and he lands in a medieval style planet instead. He meets Trudy the Love Barbarian who possesses a rose that can heal minor blood injuries and Clancy decides to follow her. Trudys boyfriend Gerald is killed by the sinister Prince Jam Roll and together set off on a quest to avenge him. Along the way, Clancy and Trudy discuss ideas of connecting with those close to you. The two talk about forgiveness and how people should value their time with others regardless of having any attachment to them. Trudy picks up a potion from a witch, then kills her, before the two face off against Jam Roll who turns out to be a monstrous being. They kill him and Trudy uses the potion to bring Gerald back to life. Suddenly, Jam Rolls body begins to destroy the planet as Clancy returns to his dimension. He takes the rose back and discovers that it still works.

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W katalogu: The Midnight Gospel
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Komentarze do: The Midnight Gospel 04. Blinded by My End
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anonim51 (*.*.138.51) 2024-04-29 17:10:48 0
To odc 5, Annihilation of Joy Odpowiedz
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