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Track list:

01. Bound to Destroy: 00:00
02. Madness: 03:51
03. Victim of the Night: 08:14
04. Wildfire: 13:21
05. Flying Fortress: 16:48
06. Vengeance: 19:51
07. The Fire Within: 23:52
08. We Got the Force: 28:53
09. Soldiers of the Dark (Insane cover): 34:27


Arthur W Andersson - Vocals
Andy Stormchild - Guitars, Keyboards (Track 1)
Johnny Nightshredder - Guitars, Guitars (acoustic) (Track 8)
Rob Thunderbolt - Bass
Dave Destructor - Drums

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W katalogu: Metal
5.0 / 5 Oceny: 1
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Komentarze do: Air Raid - Point of Impact - Japanese Edition (Full Album) - 2012
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