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Take the role of American, British, and Russian soldiers in some of the most climactic battles of World War II, including the Battle of the Bulge, the invasion of Sicily, and the Battle of Kursk.
Fight in tanks, jeeps, motorcycles, even a bomber. Work with your squad through snow and rain, using new weapons including flamethrowers and deployable machine guns, or by calling in artillery strikes. 13 All-New Single Player missions spanning three campaigns. 11 exciting new Multiplayer maps and 3 new multiplayer modes including Domination, Capture the Flag, and Base Assault.

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W katalogu: Call of Duty Classic
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w mniej niż 2 minuty! Nowe, wygodne metody aktywacji.
Komentarze do: Call of Duty: United Offensive | 4k/60fps | Full Game Walkthrough Gameplay No Commentary
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