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Dodał: markos36

Jonathan Johnny A troublesome, unpredictable, and widely iconic 11-year-old boy who is the brother of Susan and Mary and the son of Hugh and Lila and he serves as the main protagonist and hero in the show. He is frequently called the kid with the flaming hair due to having scarlet red highlights in his yellow hair. As well as this, he is most often seen wearing green cargo pants and a black shirt with a trefoil symbol on it, which he wears under a navy blue dress shirt, and a watch that he rarely uses. Because he has Susan and Mary by his side, he can live any kids dream, only to find that some dreams arent worth living. He is very hyperactive, and often messes with his sisters inventions, causing trouble and mayhem, but just as often proves himself to be extremely clever such as by frequently tricking his genius sisters or conquering the day from whatever goodness happens to show up. Johnny is also quite spoiled and stubborn, as he gets what he wants, through deceit, blackmail, orpersuasion. Johnny has an alter ego that he calls Johnny X, who is a superhero that has various superpowers, including hurricane hands shapeshifting, fire-powered transformation, teleportation, ESP, Power Poots, and flight. A running gag for this form is that his hurricane hands never work, either due to the target being immune to it or other factors. He was in love with Janet and later Sissy, the latter born out of hostile rivalry.

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