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Dodał: ytigor30
Konto zweryfikowane
Opublikowano: 2011-11-08


Glowing ball of ice. A great decoration in the dark. How do I get a great result luminous ball of ice? Just watch the video.

Glowing in two colors red and green balls of ice. The effect obtained thanks to LEDs, four AA batteries (two batteries in total to one 3V LEDs). LEDs put the balloon, then fill with water and frozen in the freezer. When frozen, take off the balloon with the frozen ball of ice, connect the batteries and look forward to LED lights inside the ice ball, the effect is best visible in the dark. Good luck:)

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W katalogu: Tricks, Miscellaneous, when it is sometimes boring
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Komentarze do: Glowing bulb - ball of ice - fascinating experience LEDs light red and green
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