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Dodał: Donut Media
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Opublikowano: 2020-07-14

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Just like the Chevy LS1, the Nissan VQ engine is a cheap, reliable way to make a bunch of power. This engine is also extremely versatile, which is why its found in a bunch of different Nissan models. Its one of the reasons we bought two identical 350zs a while ago. You can tune em, hoon em, and boom them - and nothing matters, such is life. Now there are various VQ models but were gonna focus on the VQ35HR, or High Rev cuz its the creme de la creme of VQs. This updated version of the VQ35DE is almost completely redesigned, with 80% of the internals being strengthened and reconfigured to handle a higher rev range. Other iconic engines like the 2JZ or RB26 might be able to handle more power and more compression, but the VQ35HR holds a little baby secret: its lighter than all of them. Its time for some B2B Engineering on the Nissan VQ.

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