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Dodał: Donut Media
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Opublikowano: 2018-10-02

Thank You Hagerty and DriveShare for making this season of Miracle Whips possible. Please support our sponsor Driveshare, where you can find and rent your own Miracle Whip today!

Bentley is renowned for making ultra-luxury vehicles with supercar performance numbers and this Bentley Continental GTC Speed sits at the top of its class. The GTC Speed is a limited production model, only 80 were ever made, makes well over 600+ horsepower and it has a drop top, making it one of the fastest production convertibles! Byron Bowers gets behind the wheel to see if the Bentley GTC Speed is his Miracle Whip.

Make sure you have the best protection for your Miracle Whip by checking out Hagerty Insurance. Theyll make sure your whip gets the love it deserves if anything ever happens.

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