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This was the heart-stopping moment two men had to be rescued after their boat capsized in the Boynton Inlet in Palm Beach.

The clip filmed July 5, shows the moment passersby rescue two men who had fallen into the water with no safety gear after their boat sank.

The filmer, Miranda told Newsflare: Their motor quit running so they were just drifting through the inlet when the other boats tried to help them, they didnt intentionally go through the inlet. They were fishing the Intracoastal when their motor died and then drifted into the inlet.

The current of the Boynton Inlet in Florida is known for being rough and strong and is incredibly dangerous for small vessels to travel through.

As they were drifting outwards towards the sea, multiple vessels tried to pull them in as this inlet is very dangerous for such a small vessel and could have been catastrophic.

Both men made it out of the water and were okay, it is unknown whether or not the sunken vessel has been retrieved.

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