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Dodał: w4rb1rd

A standalone video to the Star Wars:The Legend of Jaden Korr which takes place after the events of the game Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. These are times of New Republic struggle with the malevolent Yuuzhan Vong - species from a distant galaxy on course of seizing the known galaxy. Luke Skywalker representing New Jedi Order teams up with the NR's forces to stop this threat. Meanwhile Kyle Katarn is sent to shut down (or destroy if necessary) the fabled Valley of the Jedi - a source of incredible power, but also a place which could be used to the more meaner ends should fallen into the wrong hands, and the NR cannot afford to have such a disadvantage behind their lines. Unfortunatelly after a few weeks the contact with Katarn severs and Luke sends Jaden Korr along with Rosh Penin to the planet Ruusan to investigate. This is where our story begins. The machinima is strongly based on Blaster's Dark Alliance II: Vengeance of the Sith - an awesome single-player modification for JKA. The machinima is a mixture of genres: drama with some lighter comedy interruptions happening from time to time.

PS. I admit I underestimated the endeavor of creating a new JKA machinima from the scratch so I decided to split it into two parts. Second part.... when it's done :)

(credits at the end of video)

Link to Onedrive: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aie_9vaJ4hl_2iHlPm_OKBBpNupU

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Komentarze do: Star WarsThe Legend of Jaden Korr - Mission to Ruusan [part ]
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