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Dodał: Mariusz Jurczenko
Konto zweryfikowane
Opublikowano: 2023-12-06

In this entertaining and educational video,

join Ashton Kutcher and Kim Kardashian as they dive into the world of programming and share their top book recommendations for all aspiring programmers out there!
Get ready to be inspired and learn valuable insights from these two incredible celebrities. From coding fundamentals to advanced techniques, theyve got you covered. Whether youre a beginner or an experienced coder,
this fun and informative listicle will undoubtedly broaden your knowledge
and help you take your programming skills to the next level.
So grab a pen and paper, sit back, and enjoy this unique collaboration between Ashton Kutcher and Kim Kardashian.
Dont forget to hit the like button and share this video with your friends
who are looking to up their programming game!
#ProgrammingBooks #CodeWizards #AshtonAndKimCode #TechEducation #CodingJourney
#LearnToCode #ProgrammingSkills #CelebCoders #CodingInspiration #GeekChic #TechReads
#CodeLikeAStar #AshtonKutcher #KimKardashian #CodeCollaboration #TechLiteracy
#CodingCommunity #EducationalEntertainment #CodeMasters #GeekOutWithCelebs
#ProgrammingGurus #TechTips #CodeRecommendations #CelebTechies #CodingWithCelebrities #TechTalk
#CodeEnthusiasts #LearningToCode #TechBookClub #CodeNerds #CodingCulture

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Komentarze do: Kim Kardashian and Ashton Kutcher recommended top programming books #shorts #Kim Kardashian #top 10
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