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Dodał: MojoPlays
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Opublikowano: 2023-10-07

Netflixs Castlevania naturally has a ton of references to the games. Welcome to MojoPlays, and today were looking at Easter Eggs in Netflixs Castlevania that could only be spotted by fans of the games. Were also including a few from the sequel series, Nocturne, so look out for spoilers ahead. Our list of things only real fans noticed in Netflixs Castlevania includes Carmillas Mask, The Belmont Holds Treasures, Olroxs Attacks, a Hidden Meal, and more! Did you spot any of these Easter Eggs? Are there any we left off? Share your Castlevania knowledge in the comments below!

Watch more great videos on Castlevania here:
Top 10 Biggest Differences Between the Castlevania Series and Video Games:
Top 10 Brutal Moments in Netflixs Castlevania:
The 10 Hardest Castlevania Bosses:

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