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Dodał: Zajegranie
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Opublikowano: 2023-09-19

Play to Earn with Blockchain Monster Hunter

Blockchain Monster Hunt is a play-to-earn blockchain-based strategy game that uses multiple chainsfor its NFT assets and cryptocurrency, $BCMC. Its a cross-chain game in which whenever a new network appears, it will be connected to the Blockchain Monster Hunt (BSMH) metaverse.

Entry Requirements
Players can begin playing their game with an initial investment of 10 dollarsto choose their first monster to begin their adventure. In this game world which is heavily inspired by #Pokemon players, objectives are straightforward.

The main goal of players or Blockchain Defenders is to battle and hunt down evil monsters to prevent them from corrupting the multiverse. Players will earn $BCMC tokens and NFTs in the process and can use these for trading or staking.

Players can travel across chains to hunt for different monsters within them. Monsters will either run from you or fight you. You must use strategy to catch them all.

The game includes both PVP and PVE game modes. Since new chains are constantly added the game is ever expanding.

Lets play a game of worldwide web-hopping from to:

If youre feeling oh-so-French, its time to say Bonjour to!

If youve got the vibrant vibes of India in your heart, make your gaming pitstop at

Are you ready for some gaming action, German style? Head on over to!

Hola, gamers in Spanish territories! Your adventure awaits at

Samba your way into the gaming world in Brazil via!

Calling all Dutch gamers, set sail for gaming greatness at

And last but not least, gamers in Turkey, its your turn to join the fun at!

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