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Dodał: Donut Podcasts
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Opublikowano: 2023-04-17

Eight-time World Rally champion Sébastien Ogier was primed to defend his title at the 2022 World Rallycross season opener at Monte Carlo. As the four-day event progressed, the man whod dominated Rallycross for the last decade was in the lead until he found himself competing with an unexpected aggressor: a 47-year-old dude who hadnt participated in a WRC event in over a year, driving a car hed never raced. It was Sébastien Loeb. How did Sébastien Loeb become a racing icon, despite not getting behind the wheel of a professional car until he was 21? How has he been able to dominate the highest levels of Rallycross, but take on Le Mans, The X-games, and The World Touring Car Championship? And what do other pillars of the racing world think of our boy Seb? We have answers to those questions and a whole lot more. Today on Past Gas, a closer look at modern racing legend - Sébastien Loeb.

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Donut Media brings you some of the craziest stories from all of automotive history in their new podcast Past Gas!. Hosts James Pumphrey and Nolan Sykes walk you through incredible stories behind your favorite cars and manufacturers, like underground Japanese racing clubs, bitter racing rivalries and how some of your favorite classic cars came to be. Remember, its about cars, not about farts.

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