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2. Alternate Ending
3. Good Ending
4. 500 Punishments
5. 2nd Alternate Ending

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Komentarze do: 2nd Thumbnails for The Longest of Frandalin Stravoky HD Error in the Universe
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Minder_Klasky 2022-03-20 04:18:45 0
Now the timer reduced to 18 decades for turning off your computer 9 times in a row, and if you turn off your computer 3 more times, the timer will reduce to 16 decades and the background will be pink! Odpowiedz
Minder_Klasky 2022-03-20 04:17:45 0
Ok! You turned of your computer 8 times! Now, the time has been reduced to 12 decades! So stop turning off your computer. Odpowiedz
Minder_Klasky 2022-03-20 04:15:44 0
Blocking the computer screen causes counts another turnoff! Now you only 3 more chances before change the background to blue. Odpowiedz
Minder_Klasky 2022-03-20 04:16:44 0
@Minder_Klasky: 993 (fixed):
Blocking the computer screen causes counts another turnoff! Now you only 3 more chances before change the background to pink! Odpowiedz
Minder_Klasky 2022-03-20 04:14:38 0
Really?! Just really?! You turned off the computer 6 times! Also, the timer has been reduced to 18 decades!
Walter: I'm going to block the computer or see how it works! Odpowiedz
Minder_Klasky 2022-03-20 04:12:44 0
You have turned off this computer 5 times now. Now I highly recommend you not to turn off your computer anymore, because if you do, then you are not going to like what will happen next. Odpowiedz
Minder_Klasky 2022-03-20 04:11:25 0
Really, 4 times already? Now, I want you to stop turning off your Windows XP computer. If you proceed to do this, then you will be so screwed. Now you have 996 chances left. Odpowiedz
Minder_Klasky 2022-03-20 04:10:23 0
You turned off your computer for the 3rd time. Now the timer has been reduced to 20 decades. Also, here is what I am gonna tell you: Every 3 times you turn off your computer, the timer will go down. Anyways, I know it is important for you to refrain from turning off your computer. Your chances are now 997. Odpowiedz
Minder_Klasky 2022-03-20 04:09:22 0
We Interrupt Your Computer Session For a Frandalin Stravoky HD Error! Frandalin Stravoky HD Has Been Killed By an Chuckles! Whoever Killed Barney Putted a Bomb In His Lair! It Will Explodes in 24 Decades! Please Do Not Turns Off Your Computer, Because, If You Dare Do It 1000 Times, You Will Not Liked What Happens! You Have 1000 Chances To Listen, And If You Dare Waste All Of Your Chances, You Will Be Sorry!
Walter: You Know What? Screw you Frandalin Stravoky HD! I Can Do Whatever I Want Whenever Your Going To Be Mad At Me Or Not! Besides, I Will Turns Off The Computer! Odpowiedz
Minder_Klasky wysłano z 2022-03-20 04:05:06 0
You turned off your computer again. Now, here is the deal. If you turn off your computer once more, then the times will reduce to 20 decades. Odpowiedz
Minder_Klasky wysłano z 2022-03-20 04:04:00 0
Hey. I see you turned off your Windows XP computer. Please do not do it again. The timer will go down to 20 decades if you turns off your computer 2 more times. Now you lost a chance for doing that, not to mention that you only have 999 chances left. Odpowiedz
Minder_Klasky wysłano z 2022-03-20 03:59:36 0
Chances 1,000-981: Very Happy

Chances 1,000-991: White

Timer Reduction:
Chances 1,000-998: 24 Decades
Chances 997-995: 20 Decades
Chances 994-992: 18 Decades
Chances 991-989: 16 Decades

Actions Done:
1. Blocking the computer screen (Chances: 994) Odpowiedz
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