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Getter Robo Armageddon (!!)~ Chenji!! Getta Robo~Sekai Saigo no Hi?, Change!! Getter Robo: The Last Day of the World), often simply referred to as Change!! Getter Robo or Chenge () in Japan, is an original video animation released in 1998 by Bandai Visuals Emotion label as part of its 15th anniversary. The OVA is based on the manga and anime series Getter Robo, created by Ken Ishikawa with input from Go Nagai. The series, however, owes more to the manga than the 1970s animated adaptation, with designs closer to those of Ishikawas original art, and a darker, more serious theme than the anime. It has a direct prequel in the form of the audio drama Getter Robo: The Moon Wars, and is not a sequel to the 1970s TV series (a common misconception).

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