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Which team will join RNG in the last match of MSI 2021? Today, theres more than a ticket to finals at stake. DWG KIA want to become the undisputable best team in the world securing their second consecutive international title after their victory in Worlds 2020. In the meantime, MAD Lions want to prove something back home and show their competitors in the LEC its a whole new era for their region and theyre its new monarchs.

RNG see a better team in DWG KIA and the latter picked MAD Lions as their rival assuming they can take them down easily. Are these teams underestimating the skill and drive of this young LEC roster? Todays their chance to prove everyone wrong on the international stage.

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W katalogu: Mid-Season Invitational 2021
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Komentarze do: MSI 2021 Knockout Stage Day 2 - Tease
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