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S6, Ep13
3 Jan. 1998Tribe
7.4 (52) Rate
Sam Coyote, Walkers friend, the Sheriff at the Cherokee reservation has been seeing Nora Shannon, an archaeologist whos been working on the reservation. When he proposes and she refuses things between them go bad. At the same time an oil magnate who knows that theres oil under Shannons site plans to get it. And part of his plans is to kill Nora and frame Coyote. While Walker has no doubt that Coyotes innocent; the Feds dont think so. So in order to keep them from taking Coyote off the reservation and buy some time to prove his innocence, Walker has Coyotes ...

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W katalogu: Strażnik Teksasu sezon 6
5.0 / 5 Oceny: 4
1059 godzin bajek dla dzieci.
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Komentarze do: Straznik. Teksasu. S06E13
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