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Song:Sanna Nielsen- Undo
Silent, I cant wait here silent
Working up a storm inside my head
Nothing, I just stood for nothing
So I fell for everything you said

Hear the rumble
Hear my voice
Silent, I cant wait here silent
Gotta make a change and make some noise

Undo my sad
Undo what hurts so bad
Undo my pain
Gonna get out, through the rain
I know that I am over you
At last I know what I should do
Undo my sad

Trouble, baby Im in trouble
Every time I look into your eyes
Save me, oh, Im gonna save me
Far away from all the crazy lies

Hear the rumble
Hear my voice

Undo my sad
Undo what hurts so bad
Undo my pain
Gonna get out, through the rain
I know that I am over you
At last I know what I should do
Undo my sad

Undo my sad
Undo what hurts so bad
Undo my pain
Gonna get out, through the rain
I know that I am over you
At last I know what I should do
Undo my sad

My sad love

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Komentarze do: Nightcore-Undo
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