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Dodał: Ziggy7

Vanessa faces the Master/Devil in the form of a life-like puppet, who promises her a normal life free of pain, with Ethan and a family, if she chooses to give him her soul. In addition, Malcolm and Victor continue to be taunted and tormented by the ghosts of their life, who demand their deaths to atone for their crimes. Vanessa is able to resist the Masters promises, beginning to recite words from the Verbis Diablo. The words destroy the puppet, and scorpions scramble from the head. As Evelyn begins to age drastically, Hecate releases Ethan from the stairwell. Ethan kills Evelyn, but before he can kill Vanessa, he seems to recognize her and runs away. Upon Evelyns death, the spell is broken and Victor and Malcolm are released from the ghosts. In his guilt, Ethan turns himself in to Rusk for the murders committed at the Mariners Inn hoping for a swift execution but is instead extradited to America.

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W katalogu: Penny Dreadful (English)
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