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Released: December 22, 1939
Description: Gulliver washes ashore on Lilliput and attempts to prevent war between that tiny kingdom and its equally minuscule rival, Blefuscu, as well as smooth the way for the romance between the Princess and Prince of the opposing lands. In this he is alternately aided and hampered by the Lilliputian town crier and general fussbudget, Gabby. A life-threatening situation develops when the bumbling trio of Blefuscu spies, Sneak, Snoop, and Snitch, manage to steal Gullivers pistol.

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5.0 / 5 Oceny: 1
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Komentarze do: Gulliver's TRAVELS (1939) ENG
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anonim136 (*.*.48.136) wysłano z 2023-09-22 21:37:13 0
Cda de film romantique Odpowiedz
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