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Dodał: adix5


I hear the echo of memories
In every whisper of the breeze
Faded pictures coming to life
In the corners of my mind

Faces and places from the past
Keep coming back, theyre here at last
Each memory like a piece of me
Telling stories of who I used to be

Whispers of the past, they linger on
Echoes of love, of laughter, and song
I hold onto them, theyre a part of me
A tapestry of memories set free

In the quiet of the night
I see the stars shining so bright
Each one a memory to hold
A story waiting to be told

Smiles and tears, laughter and pain
All intertwined like a delicate chain
Every echo a piece of my heart
A reflection of where Ive been from the start

Whispers of the past, they linger on
Echoes of love, of laughter, and song
I hold onto them, theyre a part of me
A tapestry of memories set free

[Verse 3]
The echo of memories, they never fade away,
Theyre like a soundtrack to the moments that I replay.
From childhood adventures to teenage dreams,
Each memory holds a special place, it seems.

I remember the first time I fell in love,
The butterflies in my stomach, like a sign from above.
Or the bittersweet goodbye when I had to go,
Leaving behind a piece of my heart, you know.

[Chorus x2]
Whispers of the past, they linger on
Echoes of love, of laughter, and song
I hold onto them, theyre a part of me
A tapestry of memories set free

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Komentarze do: Adrian Everson - Whispers of the Past (Edit Version)
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