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Dodał: Kurt Max

Jimi Hendrix Exp Royal Albert Hall full show RAW Footage Unedited

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Komentarze do: Jimi Hendrix Exp Royal Albert Hall full show RAW Footage Unedited
Najlepsze komentarze
anonim15 (*.*.40.15) wysłano z 2020-12-01 11:46:48 +2
Hello Mister Max, thank you very much for posting this ! (and thank you for spreading Jimi's legacy since you recorded it !) However I think hear my train a coming is not complete here, some parts are missing. Do you want me to send them to you ? (btw I apologize if I made English mistakes, I'm French :) ) Odpowiedz
Kurt_Max 2021-01-19 09:57:40 0
@anonim15: Hello. You have clicked on the "RAW unedited footage" version. As far as missing footage for HMT, I do not believe there is any. I have created an extended version where I used slo-motion and photo still to fill in the gaps. Odpowiedz
Elizabeth_May_Palmer 2019-12-24 01:42:32 0
The first five minutes is ridiculous and has nothing to do with the concert, at all. What a pointless idea. Oh well, at least now it can be edited OUT. Odpowiedz
Kurt_Max 2020-04-29 13:34:31 0
@Elizabeth_May_Palmer: Yes, I only posted the raw unedited footage to show people what a mess it was originally. Odpowiedz
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