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Michael Jackson - Slave To The Rhythm
Production Companies: Optimum Productions, Pulse Evolution, Tricycle Logic
Creative Director: Jamie King
Associate Creative Director: Stephanie Roos
Executive Producers: John Branca, John McClain
Producers: Frank Patterson, John Textor, Karen Langford
Supervising Producers: Oualid Mouaness, Natalie Johns
Visual FX Supervisor: Stephen Rosenbaum
Production Designer: Tamlyn Wright
Editor: Guy Harding
Stylist: Michael Bush (Michael Jackson)
Stylists: Franck Chevalier (Dancers), Douglas VanLaningham (Dancers)
Choreographers: Rich Talauega, Tone Talauega
Production Manager: Nathan Stoebner
Production Coordinator: Joseph Davison

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4.0 / 5 Oceny: 3
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Komentarze do: Michael Jackson - Slave To The Rhythm - Billboard Awards 2014
Najlepsze komentarze
anonim205 (*.*.95.205) 2018-03-08 20:27:50 0
KRNNETH RING, VICKI UMPING NDE, ALEXANDER EBEN, PRAHLAD JANI, LEE STONEKING, RUBY GRAUPERA-CASSIMIRO - if you are an atheist, you maybe will at least become an agnostic when you examine these passwords.

Hammons, Taranjit Singht, Barbro karlen, Dorothy Louise Eady, Ian Stevenson, Brian Leslie Weiss.

Blind people from birth who "saw" during clinical "death". Odpowiedz
VEVOcda 2015-01-30 11:54:39 0
Difficulty to dance :( Odpowiedz
anonim162 (*.*.129.162) wysłano z 2019-08-08 09:55:53 +2
@VEVOcda: This guy is not a MICHAEL JACKSON! Odpowiedz
anonim162 (*.*.129.162) wysłano z 2019-08-04 09:59:12 0
@VEVOcda: :( Odpowiedz
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