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The T23E3 is an American tier 7 premium medium tank.

Development started in April 1943. The prototype was manufactured in August 1944. Unlike its predecessor T23, this variant featured a torsion-bar suspension. The vehicle never entered mass production nor saw service.

The T23E3 was first awarded to the top 6000 players during the World on Fire mini-campaign. Due to this, it is not visible in the tech tree nor in the in-game store and it makes this tank quite a mysterious machine.

Like most American medium tanks, it is a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none. However, this tank is also very different in that it has a very rapid fire, low damage and low penetration gun that forces its users into a very different style of play than what is the norm for American medium tanks. Its armour is very similar to most other American medium tanks: it can not be relied upon. Furthermore it features that excellent gun depression American tankers are accustomed to and tops it off with very decent soft statistics and mobility.

Patch 9.12 saw this tank buffed with an increased penetration of both standard and Premium shells: from 128 to 149mm, and 177 to 190mm respectively.

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Komentarze do: Premium Tank 7 tier USA - T23E3 World of Tanks xbox one
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