Guild of Guardians Update: Mineloader Partnership, NFT Staking, and More

Guild of Guardians Update: Mineloader Partnership, NFT Staking, and More

Play-To-Earn Games News, P2E Games News | 08 May 2024 09:26 UTC

Guild of Guardians, the popular Web3 game, has recently shared some exciting updates. Let's dive into the details!

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Guild of Guardians Enters Partnership with Mineloader

Guild of Guardians' first milestone update talked about a successful partnership with Mineloader, a well-known game development company. The partnership has been successful. The teams worked together for ten weeks to make new game loops and make a lot of progress. Their recent trip to Shanghai helped the growth process even more, solidified the partnership, and showed how dedicated and skilled Mineloader is.

The Beautiful Corner Phase in GoG

As Guild of Guardians moves on to its second milestone, it is now working on a part called "The Beautiful Corner." During this part, the team will focus on making the merge come to life with new game loops, engaging battle mechanics, immersive dungeon systems, and interesting equipment crafting. They also plan to ask a small group of people to play the game and give them feedback to make sure it's good.

Guild of Guardians NFT Staking

Together with Guardians Guild Limited, Guild of Guardians is also adding a new tool called NFT Staking. This is the beginning of Season 2 of GOG NFT Staking for The Guild's Treasure. This staking program will give out a total of 6 million $GOG to thank the community's hard work. It also opens up new chances. The awards will be given out over a period of six months. Active Staking will get 4 million GOG, and NFT Staking will get 2 million GOG. As a thank you for their loyalty, NFT holders who meet certain conditions will also get a reward airdrop that works backwards.

Upcoming Beta Phase and Open Beta Launch

Guild of Guardians is going to hit Milestone Three, which is the Limited Beta phase, in the near future. During this phase, the team will add new game features based on the comments and lessons learned from the Beautiful Corner. These include auto-battle features, hero equipment and NFT integration, merge crafting, summoning system, story mode, and Web3 integration.

Milestone Four, the Open Beta Launch, has been awaited for a long time. Here, Guild of Guardians will release the game on mobile devices, giving players a full gaming experience. Along with basic features like an in-game storefront, leaderboards, gem rewards, and key NFT integrations, the team will focus on improving the user experience and making sure the game works on all devices.

Guild of Guardians is about to come out, and people are getting more and more excited. The team wants more people to join them on this amazing trip. Stay tuned for more news and information, including a Medium story that will be coming out soon. In the next piece, the airdrop rewards and the new season of The Guild's Treasure will be looked at in more depth.

Guild of Guardians Transforms into Rouguelite Squad RPG

Guild of Guardians made a big change when it switched from being an Action RPG to a Roguelite Squad RPG. This change is the result of careful thought and talks with experts in the field. Its goal is to make gaming in the community more interesting and popular. There are three main reasons for making this choice:

The Reasons Behind Transition

First, the goal is on making long-term engagement a top priority. Even though having a good market is important, it is not enough to keep players interested in the long run, especially when it comes to mobile games. Action RPGs often need your full attention at all times, and their gameplay can get boring after a while. It makes a lot of people lose interest and quit in a short amount of time. Guild of Guardians wants to keep players interested for longer by making it a Roguelite Squad RPG and adding parallel play. This new version of the game lets players change how involved they want to be and still enjoy the game while doing other things. Guild of Guardians can be played while watching Netflix, getting in a session during a work video call, or enjoying a meal. The game's innovative core loops make it easy to fit the game into different parts of a player's life.

Second, the decision to make the game a Roguelite Squad RPG was made because the developers wanted to reach more players and improve their chances of being successful. Even though the market for mobile Action RPGs is big, the Squad RPG and Roguelite styles are growing by a lot. They are getting tens of millions of people to play. Guild of Guardians wants to reach more people by switching to a game that more people like. It also works on making itself more successful in the market as a whole.

Guild of Guardians Engages a Wider Audience

This big change shows that the Guild of Guardians is committed to giving its people a more interesting and fun gaming experience. By using the Roguelite Squad RPG style, the game hopes to keep players interested for a long time and reach a wider audience. The team is happy about the possibilities of this change and hopes that the community will continue to help them and be a part of this new journey.

There are more changes to the game's economy that we will talk about in the next blog.

Guild of Guardians Update Mineloader Partnership NFT Staking and More
Guild of Guardians Update Mineloader Partnership NFT Staking and More

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