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A novel about Doctor Faustef in search for human immortality. He fights Lucifer and travels through time, meets the greats of the human race, achieves immortality.
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Stefan University Press Series on Thus Spoke Einstein; ISSN: 1550-4115 Einstein's opinions on science, art, and society.
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His new thesis is rejected by the Examination Board as a far-fetched idea, being more the work of the magus than a physicist.
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Frontier in Science and Technology Series. List of Titles. FSRC BOOKS of ABSTRACTS in Science and Technology Conference Series. List of Titles. F S R C. A Brief Info.
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V. Alexander STEFAN The Open World MANIFESTO Novus Ordo Scientifico-Technologicus.
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EINSTEIN'S REVOLUTIONARY WISDOM (Seven Last Days in the Life of Albert Einstein) A Novel
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Physicists around the world celebrated the year 2005 as The World Year of Physics 2005, honoring the achievements in physics research of Albert Einstein.
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CONTENTS A. The Physics of the Living Matter B. The Newton Wisdom: Autonomy of the Processes in Nature C. Topions: the Brain Neurocenters D. Neurophysics, Stem Cell Physics, Genomic Physics, and Public Health E. Laser Brain Interaction ...